Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Black Ops 2 = Recycled Content

Lets put all the problems that call of duty black ops 2 has a side, things like lag and the gameplay issues and lets talk for a second here about it's use of recycled content

Recycled Content is when a newer game in a franchise uses assets from older games from the same franchise or from the same developer. Now let me put you in to perspective of what i mean by that in black ops 2.

Black Ops 2 has a whole shit load of Recycled Content in the form of it's texture for guns ext. mostly reused from the older Modern Warfare games such as MW2 and COD4

MW2                                                                  Black Ops 2




As you can see all of those are super similar or almost exactly the same. The only differences are the colours but the basic model is the same. There are are several other examples such as the Peacekeeper which is a gun from MW2 called M208 as well and it hasn't even been retextured just renamed.

Another example of Recycled Content is the statue in the middle of standoff which was copy pasted from COD4. Thats all for now don't wanna get too pissed by this ill see perhaps another time to show you some more screenshots of what i mean but man its just so fucking retarded.

Monday, 1 April 2013

Minecon 2013

So we are all sure that minecon 2013 will happen as minecon 2012 in Paris was a great success as was the one in Veagas in 2011. Now we are all really not sure where it will be, seeing that in 2011 it was in the US and in 2012 it was in France i'm guessing that this next one will either be in Asia or in the home country of mojang Sweden.

My hopes for Minecon 2013 is that it is in a place that is mostly affordable for people from both America and Europe. I am personally excited where ever it might be as i really did enjoy the past minecon. The important thing about minecraft is the community and a big part in the last couple of years has been minecon. I hope that 2013 and possible future minecons to come the organisation would be a bit better. In the last two there has been a considerate lack of information and the information came vary late. We barely even knew where minecon 2012 was going to be just a few months before it happened.

In 2013 i hope to get a much better organised event with information better disperced.